A netizen asked me, "Zhang Xiangqian, what do you think is the likelihood that your artificial field scanning technology will gain societal recognition in your lifetime?"
I estimate there's about an 80% chance it will be taken seriously by society. If no one reports me, it's 100% certain to happen. Why is that? Is the power of reporting really that strong?
Because artificial field scanning essentially utilizes positive and negative gravitational fields generated by variable electromagnetic fields. If you understand what an electromagnetic field is and what a gravitational field is, you can use mathematical tools to derive the various relationships between electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as well as how variable electromagnetic fields produce positive and negative gravitational fields.
I already know what electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields are and the qualitative relationships they satisfy. However, I haven't yet worked out the precise quantitative relationship between variable electromagnetic fields and the generation of positive and negative gravitational fields.
To illustrate this quantitative relationship: imagine a positive charge carrying 1 coulomb of electricity moving along the positive x-axis at velocity V. How much magnetic field and gravitational field does it produce? How are these fields distributed, and in which direction do they point? If we place an insulating object with a mass of 1 gram 1 centimeter away from the charge, how much force does it experience? If we move this object, does the force change? If the force matches our theoretical predictions, the experiment succeeds, and the theory is validated.
If the experiment fails, we can accelerate the charge along the positive x-axis and repeat the experiment.
I'm currently self-studying advanced mathematics and physics, aiming to master the mathematical tools needed to derive the exact equation for how variable electromagnetic fields generate gravitational fields. Once this precise equation is obtained, it can guide experiments. I estimate I can complete this equation within one or two years. It's not too difficult—once I've mastered double integrals, surface and curve calculations, and field theory from calculus, I'll be able to do it.
The mathematical tools humanity has already developed—chiefly Stokes' theorem, supported by Gauss's theorem and the gradient theorem—can handle the relationship between variable electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields. With this precise equation, experiments won't be blind. At that point, I could conduct experiments myself or guide collaborating netizens, significantly increasing the chances of success without wasting materials or money.
Right now, I'm studying while promoting online, sticking to writing one public account article every day, focusing on Unified Field Theory and artificial field scanning technology. If universities take notice and collaborate with me, success could come even sooner—some applications of artificial field scanning could become reality on Earth within five years.
In the past, I was consumed with making a living, spending most of my time supporting my family—working during the day and sometimes fishing at night, leaving no free time. Back then, my wife constantly berated me at home, endlessly nagging about "money, money, money…" I worked day and night—did I make money? Because my wife was too timid to invest and feared losses, we only earned labor money, 辛苦钱 (hard-earned money)—just enough to scrape by.
Now, writing on my public account brings tips from netizens, financial help from supporters, and income from selling my e-books online. Together, this covers my basic living expenses, allowing me to study quietly. Otherwise, my fierce wife would never let me read—she used to get furious just seeing me with a book.
My only worry now is people reporting me. These reports have already gotten me banned on many platforms. WeChat is my last stronghold.
Regarding these reports, a netizen named "mulin" shared their thoughts:
"Here's my personal suggestion to deter baseless attacks and troublemakers with two points:
Scientific progress is never achieved overnight—it's refined through constant revision during development. Like any other scientific theory, Unified Field Theory may have issues or flaws in its development process. You can't expect it to emerge flawless from the start.
If you have doubts about Unified Field Theory, you're welcome to provide experimental data as evidence to prove its errors. If validated, we'll gladly accept it! But if you have no data or evidence to substantiate its flaws and just lash out with verbal attacks, curses, or smears based on your rigid mindset, it only proves your own stubbornness and ignorance. We won't accept such blind attacks. Personal attacks unrelated to Unified Field Theory itself are even more unacceptable."
I think these reporters are simply ignorant. These people who love reporting are jealous, unable to stand seeing others succeed, always eager to watch someone fail or become a laughingstock. They have no real motive—claiming to uphold justice, debunk fakes, or maintain standards is just their lofty excuse. This ignorance stems from a traditional culture of contempt.
Many in the lower strata of society today feel life is exhausting and bitter. Too dim to figure out why or where it comes from, they harbor resentment and lash out at anyone. People like me, passionately promoting our ideas, are prime targets for their attacks.
Humanity has become a highly cooperative society where mutual help and collaboration are crucial. We're increasingly functioning as a collective. In handling relationships, a clear difference between smart and foolish people stands out: smart people find opportunities in helping others, while foolish people seek joy in mocking them.
Take Hong Kong shipping magnate Pao Yue-kong, for example. Before he made it big, he worked manual labor at the docks. One day, he saw a woman with a child anxiously waiting for a ride. Recalling his father's advice—"Help others often; in helping, you might find your chance to succeed"—he used his tricycle to take them to their destination. The woman turned out to be a diplomat's wife. Grateful, she later referred dock business to him, giving Pao his first pot of gold and laying the foundation for his future empire.
Lastly, I'd like to say to those reporting me:
"Everyone longs to witness miracles. Zhang Xiangqian and his supporters are working hard. If we succeed, you'll see wonders unfold. If we fail, you lose nothing. So why report and oppose us?"