Recently, I saw some online discussions about me:
"Zhang Xiangqian claims he's mastered alien technology. I asked him what specific tech he's got, and all he talks about is artificial fields—nothing else. In his mouth, artificial fields are almighty, ridiculously powerful, capable of anything—reaching the heavens, delving into the earth, solving birth, aging, sickness, death, every problem imaginable. Even an omnipotent God would feel inferior to artificial fields. He's obviously a fraud!"
Another netizen said:
"Anyone claiming a cure-all is a scammer."
Here, I'd like to pose a question to everyone: What is humanity's greatest invention?
Undoubtedly, it's electricity, brought to us by Faraday! Electricity permeates every aspect of human life. Imagine if we lost it—what a mess the world would be in! But have you ever considered whether electricity could be phased out, replaced by something more advanced? Most people today firmly believe electricity will never be supplanted.
Yet artificial fields can replace electricity. They possess all of electricity's functions and applications, and their utility is even greater and more convenient. Artificial fields can alter an object's mass, manipulate time and space, enable light-speed motion, and allow two rigid bodies to pass through each other—capabilities electricity lacks. Moreover, artificial fields and electromagnetism can interconvert, and artificial fields can propagate through space without wires. If artificial fields come into being, they'll profoundly impact humanity.
What's the basic principle behind artificial field scanning?
Artificial field scanning utilizes positive and negative gravitational fields—especially antigravity—generated by variable electromagnetic fields, controlled by computer programs.
What is artificial field scanning equipment?
It consists of two main parts: the hardware and the software that controls it. The hardware has two types: the artificial field scanning emitter, which projects an artificially created field into space, and the artificial field scanning receiver, which captures the field emitted by the generator.
We know Earth generates a gravitational field that pulls objects toward it. But Earth is massive—we can't lug it around. Plus, Earth can only attract, not repel, and we can't control it to stop, intensify, weaken, redirect, or extend its pull further. Artificial fields overcome these drawbacks—they can be controlled by humans and computer programs.
Artificial field scanning devices are akin to Earth's electrical power systems, serving as a foundational energy source. On Earth, generators convert other forms of energy into electricity, transmitting it via power lines to motors or appliances for users. Generators don't create energy—they transform it. Similarly, artificial field scanning emitters don't generate energy; they convert other energy sources (especially electricity) into field energy.
When artificial fields irradiate objects, they can alter mass, charge, speed, position, temperature, the surrounding space, and the passage of time. While generators send energy through wires to motors, artificial field scanners can transmit energy through a vacuum to receivers. Compared to electricity, a key advantage of artificial field generators is their ability to transfer energy wirelessly through a vacuum—no wires needed.
What specific uses does artificial field scanning have?
Electricity can make objects move, heat or cool them, produce sound, generate light, create electromagnetic fields, and process information. Artificial field scanning not only encompasses all these functions but can also manipulate spacetime. By irradiating space, it affects space and time, influencing objects within it—causing motion and altering the timeline of events.
When artificial field scanning irradiates an object, it can place it in a zero-mass excited state (or a near-zero-mass quasi-excited state). In a zero-mass state, the object moves at light speed and can pass through walls without damaging either the object or the wall. In a quasi-excited state, it won't move at light speed but can still penetrate walls, leaving both intact.
These unique properties allow artificial field scanning to not only replace electricity as an upgraded version but also offer the following applications:
1. Creating Light-Speed Flying Saucers
When artificial field scanning irradiates a saucer, it can reduce its mass to zero. Once massless, the saucer instantly moves at light speed.
2. Cold Welding in Construction and Industrial Manufacturing
Artificial field scanning can put objects into a quasi-excited state, allowing two objects to interpenetrate without resistance. Once the field is withdrawn, they fuse together—a process called cold welding. This enables widespread use of cold welding, boosting the speed of building construction, engineering, and industrial manufacturing by a hundredfold while slashing costs similarly. It could work miracles across production, daily life, medicine, and more.
3. Artificial Information Field Scanning
When artificial fields operate under electronic computer program control, they become artificial information fields. These can perform cold welding, excitation, heating, high-speed cutting, and transportation on the human body, as well as precise positioning, identification, and batch manipulation of molecules and atoms.
Artificial information fields can also perform internal surgeries on the human body without affecting the exterior. No need to cut open the abdomen—objects can be removed from inside the body directly. It can quickly and thoroughly eliminate harmful substances like cancer cells and viruses, in a simple and brute-force manner, without needing to identify the underlying mechanisms of disease.
These incredible capabilities of artificial information fields, combined seamlessly with electronic computers, could enable humanity to completely cure infectious diseases, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and various acute and chronic illnesses, ushering in a drug-free era. The effects of artificial information fields on weight loss, cosmetic surgery, and body sculpting are astonishingly miraculous, all without any pain to the individual.
4. Instant Disappearance Motion—Global Motion Network
Using artificial field scanning, a global motion network can be created. Once established, traveling would simply require carrying a phone to send your travel request to the network. The global motion network would then irradiate you with an artificial field, causing you to instantly disappear and reappear at your desired destination.
This network can transport people and goods to any location on the planet within one second, even into sealed rooms. However, its range is limited to a single planet—to travel to other planets, a light-speed flying saucer is required.
5. Global Large-Scale Wireless Conductivity
This utilizes artificial field scanning to emit field energy, effectively conducting energy through a pure vacuum with low dissipation and minimal environmental impact. Electrical devices only need a closed coil to receive energy—open the coil, and the energy stops, making control simple.
If we don't strictly distinguish between electrical energy and field energy, the global wireless conductivity center can be understood as a global central energy field, supplying energy (whether called field energy or electrical energy, just a matter of human terminology) from a few points in space to the entire planet.
6. Converging Solar Energy Receiver
Artificial field scanning equipment can irradiate space, influencing and compressing it to absorb solar photons. This allows a single square meter to capture the solar energy of tens of thousands of square meters, solving humanity's energy crisis with cheap—nearly free—energy.
The converging solar energy receiver can also artificially reduce solar energy in specific areas, combined with computer analysis, to powerfully control and regulate weather, preventing harmful conditions.
7. Infinite Compression Space Storage and Transmission of Information Technology
Any point in the universe can store all cosmic information, and space can be infinitely compressed. Using artificial field scanning to process information—since the essence of a field is spiraling space—means leveraging space itself for storage and transmission. This can upgrade humanity's information technology.
8. Virtual Architecture and Light-Based Virtual Human Bodies
Artificial fields can influence space—for example, by affecting a plane to exert a blocking force on moving objects passing through it. By locking light with an artificial field and coloring that plane, a virtual plane can be created, functioning like a concrete wall. These virtual walls can form various virtual buildings.
Artificial field scanning can also virtualize human bodies, leading to widespread use of light-based virtual humans on Earth. With this technology, many products could become virtual. Future computers, phones, and information-processing devices could be fully virtualized. Billions worldwide could use a single virtual phone or computer, instantly generating 3D holographic images and sound around the user, which vanish when not in use.
9. Spacetime Refrigerator
Food stored in a spacetime refrigerator maintains the same temperature as the outside, but under artificial field irradiation, while a year passes outside, only one second elapses inside. This preservation far surpasses ordinary refrigerators. Conversely, it's also possible for a year to pass inside while only a second passes outside.
The basic principle of the spacetime refrigerator is that artificial fields, by irradiating space, can alter the speed at which time flows for events within that space.
10. Field Scanning Technology for Consciousness Reading and Storage
Human consciousness and thoughts arise from the motion of charged particles and ions in the brain, creating disturbance effects in space. Artificial field scanning equipment emits an intangible field substance that penetrates the brain without damage, recording these spatial disturbances. This allows the reading and recording of consciousness and memory data, which can then be digitized and stored in a computer.
Centuries later, when human technology advances sufficiently, this consciousness data could be implanted into a biological body, reviving the individual—making immortality a reality.
This field scanning technology can also revolutionize education by rapidly transmitting rote knowledge into the human brain, drastically shortening learning time. Artificial field scanning is the only feasible and ideal tool for interfacing the human brain with computers and the internet. Other methods like electromagnetic waves, ultrasound, X-rays, electrons, or lasers, when penetrating the brain, would cause damage. Artificial fields, however, pose no such risk.
The advent of artificial fields could render airplanes, ships, cars, rockets, power grids, power plants, highways, airports, railways, and most bridges obsolete—or replace them with more advanced alternatives. With the global motion network enabling people and objects to appear anywhere on the planet in one second, the urban-rural divide would be completely transformed. People could live in villages and commute to cities for work in an instant.
The ten major applications of artificial fields could eliminate the need for resource conflicts, eradicating global wars, poverty, and disease. Perhaps only one in ten thousand people would need to work. Artificial fields can also penetrate the brain, scan and record consciousness data, copy it, and transplant it into another biological body, enabling resurrection.
Artificial field scanning technology can transform learning models, making brain-computer and brain-internet interfacing a reality. Ultimately, it could lead to human immortality. Yet, artificial fields are still a form of humanity harnessing natural forces.
The first industrial revolution utilized steam engines, converting thermal energy into mechanical energy, marked by Watt's steam engine. The second industrial revolution involved the interplay of electromagnetic energy and mechanical power, marked by Faraday's principle of electromagnetic induction. The third industrial revolution was defined by computers and the internet.
The fourth industrial revolution—and a revolution across all fields—will be the mutual conversion of electromagnetic fields and artificial fields, marked by the widespread application of artificial fields. Humanity's civilizational journey is a process of harnessing natural forces: the first revolution tapped thermal energy, the second electromagnetic force, and the third used electromagnetic force for information processing. The fourth will see humanity harnessing field energy—the essence of fields being the dynamic, changing nature of space. In other words, humanity will master the fundamental secrets of spacetime, utilizing spatial energy.
This simple analogy provides a clear and straightforward understanding of the issue. Artificial fields represent a foundational science, and their emergence is epoch-making, bringing blessings to all of humanity. I hope people will pay attention to the impact of breakthroughs in basic science on humanity and, at the very least, show some reverence and gratitude toward those who bring them about.
Those who recklessly insult Zhang Xiangqian are, frankly, both foolish and malicious. I hope everyone won't be swayed by such petty, wicked individuals. Throughout history, such people have been plentiful. When Faraday conducted and promoted his electromagnetic induction experiments, some sneered, "Your electricity generates magnetism, and magnetism generates electricity—what's the damn use of that?" Faraday shot back unapologetically, "What's the use of you having a son?"